Come and have a look, it's going to be mega!
28. October 2024
Before the opening of my solo exhibition, I finalised several paintings, that you now can find in the gallery of artworks.
11. July 2024
Just finished a commissioned wall for the crypto currency community "Shark Cat".
17. June 2024
My latest painting is a contribution for an exhibition in the USA and the theme was the relationship between music on artists.
I listen to a lot of music while I paint and so the music has an influence on both - the painting process and the image itself.
24. April 2024
I finished a mural at a construction fence at the famous Alexanderplatz in Berlin for the Convivio company. Thanks so much Street Art Berlin and Diana for the organisation and the great support.
21. March 2024
The website is currently under reconstruction due to the change to another provider. You can still see the full and older version of the website at
14. March 2024
Together with the fantastic artists Monika Radzewicz and Olena Legdolukh I was very busy preparing a massive wall painting commission for a primary school nearby in Berlin-Rudow. It will be carried out during this and next year.
I just finished this canvas for an application for an exhibition in Berlin. Wish me luck that it will be accepted!
A happy New Year 2024 to all of you!
I finished some paintings in the beginning of this new year and you can find them in the ART site.
20. December 2023
December is a pretty busy month as usual. I finished a commissioned wall for an office in Berlin Mahlsdorf and a canvas to honor the actor Bruno Ganz, I have been working on for some months.
The canvas was a project from my heart. Not only that Bruno has the same family name and "Wings of Desire" is a great movie, but also technically it was a challenge with all the wrinkles.
15. December 2023
Since I am using Facebook, I realise, that I do not catch up with the latest news here on my own website. I try to change this from now on and keep you informed about my latest developments here as well.
If you are interested in instant news, please add me as friend or follow me on facebook.
18. June 2023
I started a new Instagram page. it will be dedicted to my art:
Please follow and share it! Thanks so much!
15. June 2023
I just completed a wall in Zehdenick. I was invited by Klosterscheune Zehdenick to paint a wall in Osterne, a small village in the outskirts, which were used the the GDR army back in the days. There is a huge area nearby, where rockets were constructed and stored in hidden bunkers.
It was a great experience painting there and meeting the neighbours and spending the days at one of the lakes nearby. The image shows a couple watching the sunset at one of the lakes nearby Zehdenick.
08. May 2023
I finished a commissioned wall for the Baumkauz company in Mülheim a.d. Ruhr. They do tree care and cut trees, so I painted some tree silhouettes in their exercise hall. The owner wanted to have a shaft tower included to get a local reference to the Ruhrgebiet, where mining was a common sight back in the days.
It is so far the largest wall I have ever painted. It's about 72 square metres.
You can find some more images in the street art folder.
25. October 2022
Finally, after a very long time of preparation, the streetart-history-walk in Lübeck is visible in the streets.
There will be some photos and an online route online soon, but you can already check it out here.
When you are in Lübeck, have fun finding the portraits and important scenes of Lübeck's history in public spaces.
More updates soon,
19. January 2017
After some time, I have finally added some new photos in my gallery.
Please see some images from my travel to the refugee camp Idomeni in Greece here and some photographs from my travel to Egypt, Mexico and Pompeii here. Enjoy the work.
Take care,
11. December 2015
I am sometimes a little bit late with social media activities, but I finally started a few new features, that you can find here:
My new blog:
My facebook page is still the same:
It would be great, when you follow, like the pages and you can be able to get a good insight into my work and personal stories.
All the best,
28. May 2015
On 04. May my book was officially released in some countries in Europe. On 01. July the book will be finally available throughout the whole world.
Please see more News on the book and about the book artists on the book's Facebook page:
If you like to get a signed copy, they are only available through my shop.
All my best wishes,
18. March 2015
At the end of April, my new book Street Messages will be in stores. I am very happy with the final outcome and I hope you will like it too.
Thanks for your support and my best wishes,
05. December 2013
I started a crowdfunding campaign to support the research travels for my upcoming graffiti book "Street Messages"
Please share the campaign on your facebook site, website or sent it to your friends and contacts. every support to spread the word is highly appreciated and needed. For backers are waiting very ncie and beautiful rewards and gifts.
You can find the campaign at this link:
Thanks a lot for your support and I hope we all can make the project a huge success.
Take care,
08. October 2013
I have added the first photos from this year in the 2013 folder. I had the chance to see two historic punk-bands with who I grew up. You can see the photos from the Stiff Little Fingers and D.O.A. concerts here.
Take care,
04. August 2013
In the middle of July the Keinom Foundation has received further products from Shan refugees in the settlement of Kong Jor in Shan State in Eastern Burma. I also put some traditional Burmese marionettes online in the Fair Trade shop, which I had here for many years and that are out for sale now to help the refugees from Burma.
Please support the refugees with buying the products. They can be found here.
With best wishes,
21. May 2013
I have added some more Tibetan children in the call for donations of our foundation, which is registered as an official humanitarian-help organsiation and proofed to be non-profit since February this year. Please help these needy children with your help.
Thanks for your support and
best wishes,
20. February 2013
The first dates for my upcoming lectures of my latest book Unterwegs In Burma (Travelling through Burma) are fixed and you can see them in the event page. The lectures will take part only in Germany until there is an English translation of the book later.
For all people, who understand German - if you are interested to see me on stage reading from my book and giving an informative evening about the Shan people and Burma with a multimedia show - feel free to come by.
See you there,
10. November 2012
Today I received the first copies of my new book Unterwegs In Burma (Travelling through Burma) and I am very excited, because it is looking very nice and it is pretty different to have a pure textbook in hands with only few images.
The book is looking very great and I hope you readers will enjoy it too.
Take care,
15. October 2012
A new postcard has arrived in my shop, please take a look at the art-gallery to order it.
With all best wishes,
take care
10. October 2012
My new book Unterwegs In Burma - Eine Reise zum Volk der Shan (Travelling through Burma - A journey to the Shan people) has now gone to the printer and will be released around the 31. October 2012 or possibly earlier. It is published by the Iatros Verlag from Potsdam and is only available in German language for the first time. I am already in discussions with the publsiher to also do an English translation, so please come back soon for updates.
You can already preorder the book, please go to the book shop to place your order and the book will be shipped to you, when I have the first shipment at my hand. For further details on the book please go the updated publications list.
A certain amount of the sales from the book will go to a humanitarian project to support the Shan people inside Burma.
A tour with lectures is also planned, so please come back soon for the dates and they will also be anounced with the newsletter.
With all best wishes,
take care
30. August 2012
Today I finally added new photos from my research travel to Nepal this year to document the life of the exiled Tibetan refugees for my new book project. You can find the photos in the Photography 2012 page.
There are also two more children, that need your help to enable them to attend their school education smoothly, because their parents can not fully pay the high fees. Like most Tibetans in Nepal, the refugees are not granted a Nepali citizenship and can not work in regular jobs and so they are condemned to rely on souvenir-selling. Please take a look at the donations page and please consider sending some money for these children.
Additionally I have uploaded all necessary proofs to show, that all the donations, which I received during 2011 for the refugee children reached their destination. I was able to give the money to the families personally at the beginning of this year.
Currently I try to set up a bank-account for the Keinom Foundation so that the donations will run independently from my own income. I am just waiting for replies from ecological- and social-friendly banks to consider setting up an account.
My new book with the title "Unterwegs in Burma - Eine Reise zum Volk der Shan" (Travelling through Burma - A journey to the Shan people) will be coming out during this year too, but it will be in German language first. More news will be announced here soon.
Take care,
16. August 2012
I have finally added a couple of reviews about my published books in the Publications.
Please enjoy, what other people write about my work.
Additionally there are some new photos published in many different folders and added a few unpublished images about the Thai demonstrations in 2006. Please take look here.
New stuff will be added soon, so please take a look soon again.
Best wishes,
22. July 2012
Additionally to the last entry I have included another call for donations. The headmaster of the Mount Kailash School of the refugee settlement of Tashi Palkhiel has contacted me during my latest stay to find some sponsoring for the urgently needed renovation of the school. he also wants to built a new house for the students, so that they have the chance for a proper class-rooms for e.g. music or sports classes.
Please take a look at the call in the donations page.
I hope to receive a proper amount of support for the school and also the other needy projects.
Thanks a lot for your help,
take care
22. May 2012
During my last travel to Nepal I was again staying in a Tibetan refugee settlement. I bought some new products for the Fair-Trade to support some refugees in a direct way. All products have been paid already with a reasonable price and all purchases from it will result in a new order to extend this humanitarian support.
Please go to the Fair-Trade and buy some of the nice products to support Tibetan people in exile in a direct and concrete way.
Thanks a lot for your support,
Tashi Delek,
09. May 2012
I finished to upload the whole content of the website as it has been before and I am collecting some new material at the moment to be uploaded soon.
There will be some recent photos from the Tibetan communities in Nepal and I bought some nice products from them for my Fair-Trade shop. Please come back soon to see some updates again.
For those who are interested to leave a message or feedback to my work or website, there is a guestbook now, that can be found at the contact. Please take a look here.
Best wishes,
26. April 2012
I am currently on the move with my domain again and the whole structure of my website needs to be reconstructed again and filled with content. Please be patient and come back soon, when there will be more content.
Thanks a lot to Mampfi for helping me to find a new home, where I can work on my website more independently.
With all my very best wishes,
take care
03. February 2012
During my current stay in Nepal to make the research for my upcoming book I came across another family, who urgently needs your support. Please go to the Donations page and take a look at the call for Yangchen Dolkar. Her school fees are currently not much, so I and the whole family of Yangchen would be very happy, when you or several people could help her to donate some amount for her school education.
There will be some further call for donation calls soon. I have also been able to give the donated money from last year to Tenzin Kunsal and Lhamo Dolkar's mother to her hands. A testimony is uploaded already and the proof from my bank-account will be coming soon as well. Thanks a lot to everyone who made a donation and please continue to send money, because the problem is not solved yet.
Take care,
31. December 2011
I wish the very best for the coming New Year for all the readers and viewers of my website and that you will stay in good health.
I am currently staying in Nepal for the research of my new book and I will have the chance to celebrate two New Years - the Christian today and the Tibetan Lhosar later at the 22. February. May this coming year bring you success and prosperous life.
Best wishes,
18. November 2011
I have uploaded some new photos from this year 2011. I have not been working much with my camera, because my work has a different approach this time. As usual you can find some new images in the Photography gallery, that include some shots of a concert by the the great Japanese band Mono, as well as some images from my travels to the exiled Tibetan communities in Nepal. Maybe a few more photos from Nepal will folllow later.
Take care,
14. November 2011
Finally I have uploaded all galleries and also the different shops are now complete. There are a couple more images than on my old website and two galleries from this year will be online during the next days. Instead, some photos from 2010 are online already.
Some little details need to be adjusted with this website, but so far I may call it complete. More news will come soon and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
With best wishes,
09. November 2011
After a long silence with no news or regular updates, the on-going technical problems have been solved finally and is re-re-launched again. This time with a complete new design.
Most images have already been published on my old website, but there will come some new photos from last and this year soon and I have written a few more articles. I am still not finished to upload all contents and the new works, so come back soon for new images, texts, information and news.
The book Celebrate People’s History by Josh MacPhee was released in 2010. which included three of my designs for his nice poster-series about the democratic 8888 uprising in Burma at the 8.8.1988; the Nobel Peace Price laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and the White Rose resistance group from Germany, that was active against the Nazi regime.
2011 has already seen the Brasilian translation of the new edition of Graffiti World - O mundo do grafite - Nova edicao revista e ampliada.
Currently my latest book Die Menschen des Himmels - eine Reise zu dem Volk der Shan in Burma / Myanmar (engl.: The heavenly people - a journey to the Shan people in Burma / Myanmar) is going to be published approx. in the beginning of 2012. It is my first text-only work and I will post some news about it here soon. First to be released in German only.
At the moment I am working on another book project, which is leading into a more artistic direction. More news to be posted later, when time is right for it.
Please take a look at the foundation, where I have posted an urgent call to sponsor the education of two Tibetan refugee-children.
Thanks a lot for your attention and hope to see you soon.
All my best wishes to you,
take care
30. January 2010
The new edition of Graffiti World will be released in Spain this coming February. The title is Graffiti - Nueva Edicion and has a photograph on the cover, which I took in Valencia. Very nice!
Two of my articles will be published in the February edition of the German punk/hardcore/rock'n'roll OX Fanzine. Both written in German, but it contains an article about the nice anarcho-punx Rai Ko Ris from Kathmandu, Nepal.
The other article is about metal and punk music in Burma and titled Underground music in Burma's dictatorship. It can be found in the new RockHard fanzine.
I also added a few new CDs in the music-shop and there is also a graffiti book about Dortmund available in the special-offers box.
Take care,
31. December 2009
Since November a couple of New Year festivities already took place and today the turn of the Christian year is coming too.
On 17. November 2009 there had already taken place the Shan New Year in Burma, in November the Nepali New Year; during January there will be the New Year festivals of the Lahu and Akha people in Burma too and they will be followed by the Tibetan Lhosar on 14. February, as well as the Chinese New Year and in April there still needs to come the Burmese and Thai Water Festival to welcome their coming year.
So, there is a lot to celebrate according to our different calendars.
I wish all readers of my website the best luck and good health for your own personal New Year, whenever it will take place. Thanks a lot for all your support and encounters with you!
Happy New Year!
Take care,
01. September 2009
Special Note: Today, I have received a reply from some organisations and so now there are three projects that need your donations. Please take a look at the new Foundation.
You can now donate your needed money to the Clinic & School in Loi Kaw Wan / Burma and the group Social Action for Women. Please find all details in the descriptions and if each visitor of this website would donate a Euro or a Dollar, altogether this would be a great support at the end.
Thanks a lot for your kind attention and
with my very best wishes,
01. September 2009
From today on, in America and Canada Graffiti World - Updated Edition is available in stores. The book is published by Harry N. Abrams.
Already in August, the French translation of the same book under the title Planète Graffiti - Une nouvelle édition revue et augmentée de l'anthologie du graffiti dans le monde is also available in stores. Long title. Published by Édition Pyramyd.
Please find further information about the books in the publications page. More translated editions of Graffiti World - New Edition will come later.
Take care,
30. August 2009 RE-LAUNCHED !!!
Finally after a decade of technical problems and other changes, I have now been able to update my website on a full scale.
You can now find my photographs and artworks in separate sections.
Please take a look into the new shopping mall, where you can order music, books and some fair-trade products.
Thanks a lot Dirk for solving the technical difficulties.
With all my very best wishes,
take care
12. August 2009
This website can now also be reached at
Take care,
05. May 2009
Graffiti World - New Edition is now published, more details you can read in the publications section.
More translated editions will come later this year.
Take care,
06. April 2009
Burma - the alternative guide is now finally published and available in stores. Please see further details about the book on the publications page.
Take care,
13. August 2005
Long time no news. But after several travels I finally arrived back home. A little view inside my journeys and some impressions you can find in the photography section.
Also new artworks are uploaded in the artwork section and new posters are for sale in the mail-order.
The Italian and German edition of my book Graffiti World will be released by publishers L'ippocampo and Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf now. The books will be out and available in stores at the 01. October 2005, so keep your eyes open!
Have a great summer,
05. January 2005
The last paintings and artworks from 2004 are uploaded in the gallery and the first painting of 2005 is online.
Also my work on my new book Graffiti Woman is getting a good progress. More news on this book will be released later in the publications section, approx. release date will be around summer/autumn 2006.
These are all news for now, check out the exhibitions and events as well, more projects to come up soon.
All the best,
02. January 2005
All the best wishes to all visitors and friends for the New Year 2005.
Check out the events section for forthcoming exhibitions.
28. September 2004
So, now the website is completed. You can find some new exhibitions with my artworks and shows for my forthcoming book Graffiti World in the events section.
Thanks a lot to Dirk for putting all this online.
09. July 2004
Finally images are uploaded in the gallery.
26. October 2003 is launched.